American Girl in Italy

How does the blue mold get in Gorgonzola? Have you ever heard the rocks at Castiglioncello sing and why do writers always seek solace in Italy? Time for me to find the answers to these and see, if in doing so, I also find my home.

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Location: Rome, RM, Italy

i am actually the lost royal heir to the small kingdom of Birundi...having been secreted away by my wet nurse when mean overlords arrived turning our little known, yet terribly chic fiefdom into a nasty republic. now my people sit glued with their eyes glazed.....dreaming of distant IRA's and stock options, having long forgotten the taste of sweet green olive oil and the scent of rosemary.

24 September 2006

Goblets talk

One evening, wine sang out with all its soul:
"I send you, Man, dear disinherited,
From my glass prison with its scarlet seals,
A song of sunshine and of brotherhood!"
--Charles Baudelaire

02 September 2006

words words words

La morte non è nel non poter comunicare ma nel non poter più essere compresi.
La muerte no es no poder comunicar, sino no poder ya ser comprendidos.
Death is not when you can not communicate, but when you can no longer be understood.
La mort n'est pas dans la non-communication mais dans le fait de ne plus pouvoir être compris.
Der Tod liegt nicht darin, sich nicht mitteilen zu können, sondern darin, nicht mehr verstanden zu werden.
A morte não está em não poder se comunicar, mas em não sermos compreendidos.

Pier Paolo Pasolini

it is really about communicating...we communicate with our souls, with our bodies and with our words....sometimes perfectly, sometimes haphazardly, always sincerely.......but i warn with me will always be full of words....e magari........i hope that isn't too heavy for you.

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