American Girl in Italy

How does the blue mold get in Gorgonzola? Have you ever heard the rocks at Castiglioncello sing and why do writers always seek solace in Italy? Time for me to find the answers to these and see, if in doing so, I also find my home.

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Location: Rome, RM, Italy

i am actually the lost royal heir to the small kingdom of Birundi...having been secreted away by my wet nurse when mean overlords arrived turning our little known, yet terribly chic fiefdom into a nasty republic. now my people sit glued with their eyes glazed.....dreaming of distant IRA's and stock options, having long forgotten the taste of sweet green olive oil and the scent of rosemary.

15 October 2005

what i should be doing

Listening to 3 Doors Down “If I could be like that”

OK…..What I should be doing.....

  1. Getting off my lazy culo and riding my bike with these guys around Terminillo.
  2. Talking with J about organizing a Women in Black vigil for Rome this year.
  3. Reading up on how to set up a list-serv in Yahoo for a new, yet unnamed, literary group in Rome.
  4. Running by Il Goccetto to pick up my cashmere scarf that I left two weeks back.

In reality…..What I am doing….

  1. Sitting in front of my computer still in my Jalaba, drinking my third espresso in three hours..
  2. Writing a syllabus for a 2 day workshop on cross cultural communication in English.
  3. My laundry.
  4. Downloading an insane number of MP3 songs and wishing I had an MP3 player for the 11,000 hours I spend in the metro each week.
  5. Getting ready to go to a business meeting ON MY DAY OFF!!!!!!!!!

Instead…..What I would like to be doing….

  1. Going to a bookstore to drool over wine books that I need (did I just say need???????) but cannot afford to buy.
  2. Listening to Al DiMiola playing Piazzolla but he always makes me think of old flames, chances missed and cold rainy evenings that left tears in my eyes as well as smiles.

3 – Knowing what I should be doing and where I should be headed.


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